» The Autumnal Equinox was not long ago and so the summer is over. You have been away, partying, hiding, breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, cheering and drinking, dancing in the sun.
All that is gone! But happily we are back with #2.
This time « Under the bridge » Alexandre III (no – it’s NOT THE SHOWCASE, ahhhh?)
From 19:00-23:00 We have « entrée gratuite mais pas libre » and Brain Magazine doing the Bingo Brain, feat. Marco Dos Santos and Charley and the installation « On the couch with Bukowski » by Yoann and Romain (Laperolog).
From 23:00 to 05:59 It’s the dancefloor with [T]ekel, ARK, Marco Dos Santos, Princesse Léa and the Berlin duo Teilzeitegoist & Jim Tonic. BBQs, movies, Jelly shot bar and a little croissant break at 5:00 to start off the day with WOW!
Write us!
19:00 – 23:00 Free entrance / Bingo Brain
23:00 – 05:59 15 €
[T]EKEL Live, citizen (Paris, FR)
ARK Live, Karat, Perlon, Circus (Paris, FR)
MARCO DOS SANTOS (Berlin, GE, Paris, FR)
PRINCESS LEA (Project 101, Paris, FR)